Net Verse
  Article 11 - for Poetry Review Vol. 88 No. 3 Autumn 1998




It takes a bit of perseverance to hack your way through the forest of pop-up windows, virtual watermarks and banner advertisements that obscure Geocities sites these days, and find the content beneath the hard sell. Occasionally it's worth the effort.

John Kinsella has such a site at which has samples of his poetry, poems written in collaboration with other poets, and other experiments. Some of the sections are marked as being under construction, so I'm looking forward to seeing what he adds.

trAce is an online writing community project based at Nottingham Trent University, but with contributors from around the world. They have an ambitious programme of discussions, journals, workshops and so on. Find out more from their site at

It was from the trAce site that I found the remarkable GRAMMATRON hypertext at constructed by Mark Amerika. Whether it's poetry or not I'm not sure (and not sure I care) but it's certainly intriguing, and there's a lot of it to explore. You'll need a souped-up browser to make the most of it, since it relies heavily on graphics, and uses RealAudio sound files.

Less demanding of technology, but very useful and welcome is the site at from the Blue Nose Poets. This has details of their competition and events, together with some poems from the Blue Nose poets Sue Hubbard and Mario Petrucci.

Lies People Tell is not specifically a poetry site, but it's entertaining and has some interesting poems on the subject of lies, and the effects of lies and lying. If you want to find out what South American parents tell their children will happen if they swallow chewing gum, point your browser to

Tell me nothing but the truth about interesting poetry sites you encounter, by sending email to the usual address: ...

Copyright © Peter Howard 1998-2004


