Net Verse
  Article 3 - for Poetry Review Vol. 86 No. 3 Autumn 1996




Blimey. This Internet thing really works! I had an e-mail the other day from Peter Horn in South Africa, asking if I'd like to mention his electronic magazine Isibongo. He'd heard about NetVerse from someone in America, and when I found the page, at it had, amongst other contributors, the very English Douglas Clark. When you visit, make sure to investigate the links to other South African writers.

Fast becoming an essential stopping-off point is Mary Lowry's Sacramento-based and award-winning Poetic Express at which has a constantly changing and eclectic content. She's issuing awards of her own now, so if you have a poetry site you're proud of, tell her about it.

Closer to home, Maggie Hannan's Grim was where Radio 4's Kaleidoscope dipped its toe. They didn't say where it was, though, (and didn't know when I asked them) so if you're still wondering, try If you like your poetry uncompromising, wander north of the border to Rebel Inc, an underground literature and poetry site with some pretty strong stuff at

Many poetry pages have links to others, of course, and these vary greatly in quantity and quality. One of the best is that maintained by Richard Soos, at but if doesn't point you to enough sites to keep you occupied, then the On-line Literary Resources page at certainly will.

As page-builders become more skilled, and the facilities become available, resources on the Web become ever more versatile (and occasionally silly, but that's not the point.) For example, you can even find an on-line rhyming dictionary now, at Don't expect it to find you a rhyme for purple, though. I would mention the anagram generator, at but that would be silly.

Send me suggestions, sensible or silly, to the usual address: ...

Copyright © Peter Howard 1996-2004

1The On-lin Literary Resources site is now at


